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Curious about the Creator.....

THESE ARE GIFTS FROM THE GROK;  Exploiting the Charisma of Chance & Imagination, via the hands of the artist.
Come along.  There aint something to define.  The closest one could come to 'summing up' this artistic existence, is to look at the creature who creates this darn project;
Hazel is her Earthly name.
Offering herself up for The Gifts of The Grok, she's a channel for the tales INSPIRATION itself wishes to tell.
She is honest in her endeavour, revealing;
"These images and stories simply arrive, captivating my senses & coaxing me to surrender and allow their innocence to take form as they wish. 
Hazel is the instrument, and she responds to an urge that comes from a window in Life that is freer & truer than the limitations our logical minds enforce. 
Creating dips my toes into the peace of our true nature."
"I coaxed the imagery and now I leave it be, it’s always existent and it doesn’t need me."
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